Well, not only did I NOT do anything remotely connected to clutter free or cleaning yesterday or today...well, so far today, you never know if I'll eventually get to it...I've just been sitting here messing on my computer all day. I did stop to eat, of course, duh!
So, to make myself FEEL like I might be making some sort of progress in the fight against piles of clutter and disorganization I thought I'd share another article.
Clutter Free Forever - Possible or Not Possible? by Mary Brown
For those of you not old enough to know, there was a television show on in the late 1950's that was called The $64,000 Question.
Of course in order to win that big a prize you had to answer a question not many people would have the answer to. Get it? Is it possible to be clutter free forever doesn't have an easy answer.
Unless you've got servants or paid help you're probably not going to be able to achieve such an organized dwelling. But there are little things that you can do on a daily basis than can ease the look of disorganization.
Here are a few tips:
When you're done with an item, put it back where it belongs.
Return coats to the closet, not the nearest chair.
Throw pizza boxes, carry out containers and all junk mail in the trash right away - don't stash them on the counter in the kitchen. (Don't ask how I know that.)
If you take your shoes off when you come in the front door, take them back to the bedroom on the next trip you make in that direction. (Ditto)
If you have a 2 story house, put a decorative basket or container on the bottom step to hold items that need to go upstairs, and take them with you when you go upstairs.
Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink. The least you can do is put them into the dishwasher to appear clutter free.
Want more help and in depth information on keeping clutter at bay? Please read on
About the Author
Do you need a clean house declutter plan? Want To Get Your Home In Order Almost Immediately In The Easiest Possible Way? Then check out DECLUTTER FAST. Written by a former pack rat, these tips and hints will help you be clutter free in no time.
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