So on that subject of cleaning and decluttering, which IS the name of this blog after all, here's a good article.
Is There a Best Way to Declutter?
By Marye Brown
Got a match? That would surely be the best way to declutter, right? Ok, ok, I know that's not what you had in mind when you decided to read this article. But that would surely get the job done would it not?
So, now that I have your attention let me say, I don't really know if there is a best way to declutter. What I do know is that you need to start small.
Yes, I understand the problem of your clutter looks insurmountable and just depresses you to think about it, but, again start small. What's that saying about "how do you eat an elephant?", and the answer bite at a time.
You can also take a step back and try to look at your clutter objectively. Ask yourself, "How can I break this job up into smaller segments?" Get a pad of paper and write out your plan or diagram it. It can be anything that will get your juices flowing in the direction of getting the job done.
Please, don't think the job has got to be done all in one day. It's that clutter that's built up over the weeks and months that's not going to disappear overnight

So, to recap, look at your goal of decluttering objectively, break it down into small steps and don't expect to accomplish everything in one day. Now is this the best way to declutter? Well, your guess is as good as mine, but if you'd like the opinion of an expert then please read on.
Here's an easy to read and information packed book, Declutter Fast, by Mimi Tanner. Written by a former pack rat this book will give you the secrets to the best way to declutter. Here are some questions you'll find answers for:
Where do I start?
How long will it take?
How can I do some emergency decluttering?
Can I keep my stuff and still be less cluttered?
If you've taken the time to read this article then I'd say you definitely want to get yourself organized. Go ahead and make the decision to find a clean house declutter plan and start on the road to being organized. Use the links in this area to find out even more about the best way to declutter your life.
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