Monday, May 4, 2009

Clutter Be Gone!

Don't you sometimes just wonder where it all comes from. Did someone come into my house while I was asleep and leave this mess?

I've even tried talking to it..."Clutter, be gone." Hmm, that didn't work. This may take more work than I'd like, although I'd sure like to have a clean house and a declutter plan that worked that easily, wouldn't you?

Of course if I just didn't let things pile up in the first place that would be the answer to how to be more organized, but I've been working on it trying to get a few ideas. I even wrote about it. See if this article will help you.

By Marye Brown

Wouldn't it be nice if you could just sit back, relax and clear your clutter with your imagination? Just think of a sparkling clean room and poof no more clutter or disorganized areas.

Say, wasn't that a television show back in the 60's? You know, Samantha on Bewitched just wiggled her nose and there was a clean house. Too bad that's not how it gets done.

One way to spark your imagination on how to clear your clutter from a room or even a whole house is to visit the library and get some books and magazines on organization. You don't have to follow exactly what's in the books, but they'll help you see how to use their techniques and you can then decide how to implement them in your house.

You can also visit stores that carry organizational products. Most of the time they'll have displays set up on closet organizers, kitchen cabinet organization, shelving and baskets. Just walk around and think about how you can get your clutter under control by using some of these products.

As you're going through the library books or walking around the hardware store aren't you actually using your imagination? You'll be thinking or imagining how you can put these same ideas to use in your home.

Of course, if you're already the creative type, you can just take some time and think about how you can de-clutter and/or reorganize with what you already have on hand. That would be a cost saving measure, too!

However there's no imagination needed here for this easy to read and information packed book, Declutter Fast, by Mimi Tanner. Written by a former pack rat this book will give you the secrets to the best way to clear your clutter. Here are some questions you'll find answers for:

Where do I start?
How long will it take?
How can I do some emergency decluttering?
Can I keep my stuff and still be less cluttered?

If you've taken the time to read this article then I'd say you definitely want to get yourself organized. Go ahead and make the decision to find a clean house de-clutter plan and start on the road to being organized. Use the links in this area to find out even more about the best way to clear the clutter out of your life.

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