Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Declutter And Clean Home Plan


A decluttered and clean home is not a "do it once and it stays forever" sort of thing, especially if you have children.

BUT decluttering can be done and without too much effort. REALLY, IT'S TRUE !

For example, start keeping the junk mail under control.. Once you've got that down to a science take on another task while keeping up with the junk mail.

Before you know it, your clean house declutter plan will be working like a charm.

Download your copy of the book,Declutter Fast now to get techniques and ideas on how to organize and clear the clutter.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Discover How You Can Get Rid of Excess Stuff

As the title says, here you will discover what to do to get rid of excess stuff.

You know the sayings, "you can never be too rich", " you can never have too much chocolate" or "more is never too much". 

Well that may be true in the case of money and chocolates (that's why I chose that picture of the chocolates, yum!) but with clutter, you CAN have too much and more is too much...way too much!

So that's why you want to keep reading for that kick in the butt to get rid of excess stuff!

Don't Fall for the Excess Stuff Trap

Whatever it is, you DO NOT JUST HAVE to have another one!

I'm sure you've seen those shows on television where the crew from the show goes in and cleans
out the people's homes. Then they redo the rooms and make them livable and gorgeous.

Here's the thing, you do NOT want to fall into that trap. Make up your mind now
to startto get rid of excess stuff

Here's an idea - pick just one area where you tend to let things pile up and work
on keeping that one area neat and tidy.

The experts say it takes 30 days to form a habit, so if you keep after it, then
30 days later it'll seem so easy you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner.